Super Hotel special breakfast

One of missions for us is "Guests have starting a good day".
That's why we focus on provideing organic and healthy breakfast
Freshly baked breads with good smell.

Start your day with our delicious breads fresh from our oven.
Baked just for you.
* at limited locations
Selected breakfast
It is important for us guests enjoy to have selection and delicious meals.
For health and environment, "ORGANIC VEGETABLE"

We provide orgnic vegetables salad in breakfast menu since November, 2012.
* at limited loccations
The vegetables, are given attention to environment and biodiversity, are supplied less than 5% of all of vegetable suplly in Japan.
These contain lots of vitamin-C and mineral so these can support activation of your immune system.
* It can be supplied usual vegetables because of bad wether and natral disaster.
Relief and fifth delicious

Super Hotel original dressings for organic vegitables salad.
- Additives and preservatives are not to use
- A list of specific allergenic 28 ingredients is not to use
- Contains supported intestinal activity "Nano-sized lactic acid bacterium"
We prepare that dressing five kinds of taste.
Specially cultivated rice

We supply spcialty cultivated raice is mede in Komatsu-city, Ishikawa prefecture. It's suppresed pesticide less than half usual. It is known for having deeply tasty and delicious is even cold.
* at limited locations
The others
Our some seasoning and condiments are contained organic ingreadients.
- Miso, Soy-source and Natto made from organic beans.
- Ketchup is made from organic tomato
Local food
It is difference that some breakfast menus depends on locations because we thnk it is important use local food.