SUPER HOTEL Fujinomiya

〒418-0003 695 Hibarigaoka, Fujinomiya City, Shizuoka Prefecture

Check-in 15:00 / Check-out 10:00

Suspension of natural hot springs

Thank you for choosing Super Hotel Fujinomiya from the many hotels available. We apologize to our guests. We are very sorry, but due to a breakdown in the equipment at the source of our natural hot spring, we are currently unable to provide hot spring water. We are working on repairs as soon as possible, but we expect to be able to restore the water around the end of May. Until we are able to fully restore the water, our large bath will be using vanadium well water. ★Vanadium prevents oxidation of the skin and improves sagging and age spots. It also has a detoxifying effect, expelling waste products, improving blood flow, and even helping with dieting. ★ We apologize to our guests who chose our hotel in the hope of enjoying natural hot springs, and we appreciate your understanding and cooperation.

  • Smoking sectionSmoking section
  • Coin LaundryCoin Laundry
  • Parking LotParking Lot
  • A full bath roomA full bath room
  • Trouser PresserTrouser Presser
  • stick teastick tea
  • RazorRazor
  • Stand lightStand light
  • Bath towel and Face towelBath towel and Face towel
  • LAN cable (each rooms)LAN cable (each rooms)
  • Alarm clockAlarm clock
  • RefrigeratorRefrigerator
  • USB charging terminalUSB charging terminal
  • Deodorant sprayDeodorant spray
  • TV setTV set
  • TV(A theater room is removed.)TV(A theater room is removed.)
